Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday Fours

I'm sorry I've been so MIA lately! Last Wednesday I could barely stand up because I was so sick, so I went to the health center and got tested for the flu. Just my luck, my doctor informed me that I had Type A Influenza and that I should be in bed for 5-14 days (this was right in the middle of syllabus week and rush, mind you). I ended up having to skip 2 days of classes as well as the entire 9 party for sorority recruitment, but luckily I was able to get myself together for preference round. Long story short, after taking medicine and chugging looots of fluids, I finished rush and got a bid froooom......

Delta Gamnma! DG had been my favorite right from the start and I literally cried of excitement when I opened my bid. I actually met Charlotte (in the picture above!) through my blog because her sister works for  KJP - she was so sweet the entire first semester and made my choice to preference them even easier! 
 Our Health Center was closed Saturday and I was so sick that I ubered to urgent care. A selfie was necessary, obviously :)
Buuut it was all worth it because one of my best friends and I both ended up in Delta Gamma! This picture is from Bid Night (aka a thousand screaming girls in the tennis center). 

I'll share a bunch more pictures in a post dedicated to my rush process, but how freaking cute was the house for bid night?! I couldn't be happier with where I ended up. 

I'm also going to write up a post about what I wore for each round! Keep your eyes peeled for that next week!
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Such an exciting time for you! Glad you are feeling better too!
    xo elle //

  2. Congratulations and welcome aboard, Caroline! DG was one of the best parts of my university experience and continues to be a major part of my life as an alum. Enjoy every moment of your new member period!


  3. My favorite semester of college so far was my pledge semester! Have the best time, Caroline!

    xoxo, Veronica

  4. Congrats on pledging DG! I love my Delta Gam gals - they've definitely been the reason this year of college has been so amazing! Welcome to the sisterhood!

  5. Congrats on becoming a Delta Gam! I'm a freshman at Penn State University and a Delta Gamma sister. I love my sisters, and joining DG is the best decision I have made this year! You will love it. Eager to read updates (I'm a big fan of your page). Welcome to pΔΓadise!

    ITB xoxo,


  6. Congrats! Joining a sorority is one of the things I am so looking forward to with college!
    Maddie ||

  7. Congrats Caroline on Delta Gamma! I'm so excited for you!



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