Monday, August 15, 2016

I'm Off!

While technically move in day is tomorrow, by the time you're reading this, I'll (hopefully!) be all packed up and ready to embark on the next four years at Indiana University. It's so crazy to think that I've been waiting for this day to come for months and it always seemed so distant, yet here we are and tomorrow is finally move-in! I honestly still can't wrap my head around the idea that I'm leaving everything in Milwaukee behind, but at the same time I could not be more excited about what's to come. I truly feel ready to begin this new chapter and I cannot wait to bring you along with me! 

Now you may be wondering what's going to be happening with this little corner of the Internet as I transition into college. While it obviously isn't going anywhere, I have put a lot of thought into how I'm going to manage blogging, academics, clubs, a social life, etc. For the past few years, I've had new content every weekday, Monday through Friday. While I have absolutely loved posting this much, I know I won't have as much time to do so in college (at least not in the beginning when I'm getting all settled in). So, I've decided to post 3 days every week instead. I love the idea of sharing what happened during my week with Friday Fours and think it would be especially fun in college when I have a ton of activities going on. As for Wellness Wednesday, I don't think I can part with the idea of sharing something in the middle of the week that improves your health, whether it be a new workout, a smoothie recipe or tips for sleeping better each night. However, I do want to expand this to include more things that benefit you overall, like organization! I am obsessed with organizing and I think it fits well under the "wellness" umbrella. Then for Mondays, I personally love reading about fashion related topics (to distract me from the end of the weekend, naturally) so I'll post any outfits, wish lists, inspiration, etc. that day. This could change at any point depending on the week, but I love having a little guide so you guys know what yo expect! 

As always, thank you guys so, so much for all of your support and sweet comments lately. You have been so kind and helpful as I prepare for college and I can't thank you enough! Be sure to follow along on my Snapchat (citrusandstyle) to see my move-in adventures with my roomie - her name is also Caroline! 

Here's to a new beginning!


  1. Have so much fun moving in! Can't wait to see your decorated dorm room!
    -Angela & Amy

  2. Ah so exciting! Good luck, Caroline :) XO, Nicole //

  3. Have such an amazing time! IU is a gorgeous campus and such a fun many best friends went there and loved every second! Can't wait to see how your freshman year goes!



  4. Good luck, Caroline! I know you'll have an amazing time. And its good that you're already thinking about managing all of your activities. Trust me, it can get really busy, I'm like 4 clubs, one of which I'm on the E-board! P.S. this is Abby, the junior from DePaul/West Bend on snapchat haha.I know you can do it!

  5. Good luck!!! I'm so excited to see your dorm tour!!! That blogging schedule sounds perfect!

    XO Alyson | My Life as Alyson

  6. Good luck Caroline! You're going to have a blast at school. Can't wait to see how your dorm turns out!

    xoxo, Veronica


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