Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Fours

What a week it has been... From a sculpture garden field trip for photography class on Monday, to a beyond stressful night of homework Tuesday, to upgrading to the iPhone 6s Wednesday and then a fun holiday shopping event at my school Thursday, this week has been packed to the brim with events, mostly good and some bad. I'm just excited for my late nights studying to finally pay off when I start hearing back from colleges within the next few weeks (I got my first acceptance letter yesterday and it feels amazing to know I'm accepted to at least one school!).

I've been doing a little rearranging and reorganizing in my room lately, and I sort of want to update my gallery wall a bit. It feels pretty summery to me so maybe a new print or two would be perfect for the holiday season! Any recommendations would be highly appreciated :)

I'm pretty sure I physically could not have had more homework Tuesday night. From learning and taking notes on 35 textbook pages for AP Environmental Science to a large reading assignment for AP English and lots of terms to learn for Economics, I don't think I left my desk for 5 hours. Let's just hope I can get more done this weekend so that these late nights aren't a new trend for me!

Every few months or so, we dog-sit our neighbor's dog, Duke, for anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks. Ever since I was little, we've been watching him and we have definitely considered him part of our family haha! We had him for a few days last weekend and it forced me to really get outside and enjoy the nice weather as I took him for long walks around the neighborhood. Isn't he the cutest?!

First of all, isn't the quality of this picture ah-mazing? The 6s is my new best friend and I can't wait to use it to take my photography to the next level. This scarf is a must have for fall and I'll have an outfit post coming up this week with all the details on where to find this exact one or similar ones like it! 

I hope you all have a fabulous Halloween weekend! What are you dressing up as?


  1. That pup is seriously the cutest! And seeing you wearing that scarf makes me wish the Alabama weather would get on board so I can pull mine out :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  2. Congrats on getting your first acceptance letter Caroline! I love how you styled your blanket scarf with grey, looks so cute!


  3. I can't wait to see the outfit post! Duke is adorable and congrats on getting your acceptance letter!
    XO Alyson |


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