Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Pre-Prom Workout

For all of the high school upperclassmen out there... Prom is right around the corner! It totally snuck up on my friends and I and the fun of preparing for the big night has begun. Besides finding a dress (I'll do a post on that if you're interested!), working out in preparation for prom night is a big thing on a lot of girls' minds (myself included!). If you're like many girls, targeting your abs, arms and legs is a big focus, so I thought I would share a few different workouts with those areas in mind to help you out! 

+ Abs

+ Arms

+ Legs

Pinterest is always my number one place to find good workout routines, so I pulled my favorites for you above! 

Any other pre-prom workouts you do?


  1. Ooh, can't wait to try these workouts! Thanks for sharing girly!


  2. I love when you share workouts on the blog! My favorite ones right now are Cassie Ho's Blogilates YouTube videos! They're so much fun, but they definitely give you a hardcore workout :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


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