Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I wanna see your stacks!

Hey friends!

I wear some sort of stack everyday and love looking at what other people wear as well. And since I get my "stackspiration" from other bloggers and fashionistas, I thought why not have a readers edition where you can send me a picture of your favorite stack?! I will post them all (with your permission of course) so everyone can get some new ideas! I think people's arm parties say so much about them as a person.

For example, my stack says I am a prep with a love for pink and navy. 

In addition, I think this would be a really great way for you to gain followers. Are you a newer blogger and want a shoutout? This is your opportunity! I will make sure to link to your blog.

Send me a picture of your favorite stack to:
and I will create a post!
I will accept them until a week from today.

Get stackin ladies! ;)


  1. I love your pink and navy bracelet! Where did you get it?

    -Kathryn Bartels

  2. Hey Kathryn! Thanks! I got it at a shopping event at my school but the store it is from is called Mellys. Here's the link: http://www.mellyonline.com/

    Thanks for reading girl!


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