Monday, April 2, 2018

How to Freshen up for Spring

Even though it literally snowed here in Bloomington last night (don't even get me started), I can't help but have the urge to spring clean everything in sight now that it's April. Tidying things up a bit as the seasons change is one of my favorite things to do and since school is about to get even busier with finals coming up, some cleaning is very necessary! I like to think I have a system down when it comes to "freshening" things up, so I thought I would dedicate a post to it today.  

+ Unfollow accounts on social media 
I recently did this on my blog account and as much as it made me sad to unfollow some accounts that I occasionally look at, it's really going to decrease my time on Instagram every day. Unfollowing 50 people makes such a big difference and you'll notice that you won't have as much to scroll through, so you'll be on social media less! 

+ Delete old emails 
Maybe this is just me, but nothing is more overwhelming than having waaay too many emails in my inbox. Every day I make sure to clear out new notifications, but there are always emails I can get rid of that I totally forget about. If you can, try to get the total number of emails in your inbox under 100! You'll feel so much more organized and on top of things. 

+ Go through camera roll 
Ok, I am so guilty when it comes to how many photos I have on my camera roll. Since I have an iPhone with more storage, I have an excuse to store more pictures, but my current total of 8,000 is pretty out of hand. Back up all of your photos on your laptop or an external drive, and then delete as many photos as possible off of your phone. This will (hopefully) help your phone run faster and make your camera roll feel less cluttered. 

+ Wipe down technology screens 
I was raised to love Windex and cleaning down surfaces (please tell me I'm not the only one!), so taking a lysol wipe and wiping down my laptop, phone, etc. is just the greatest feeling ever. There's also a pretty bad virus going around my campus right now, so it's beneficial to do this every few days! 

+ Rearrange your desk 
It seems like these days my desk is just a place to hold clutter rather than actually do work. Since there's three of us in our pretty tiny room, I keep all of my makeup, extra books/binders, jewelry, etc on my desk and as you can imagine, it gets pretty chaotic. Take time every week (or every day if you can!) to get rid of junk and keep it looking tidy. My mood honestly revolves around the state of my room, and I feel so much better about things if my desk is organized. 

+ Clean out your backpack/purse 
Lastly, to get rid of extra clutter, empty out your backpack or purse. I can't tell you how many half eaten granola bars, gum wrappers, dead pens, etc I've found in mine and it is so refreshing to get it all clean! 

I hope these tips get you going on the right track! I promise you'll feel 100% better after doing even two of these things to "spring clean" your life. 
Comment below any other things you do! 

1 comment :

  1. I need to do all of these things! I am in dire need of a deep clean of my apartment...

    Kendal / Life With Kendal


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