Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Today's post is more along the lines of beauty rather than health, but I think it still goes under the category of wellness because taking care of yourself is part of being healthy, right?

The holiday season is all about giving back, and today I have a super cool opportunity to share with you that helps your favorite causes as well as check off presents on your shopping list. A few weeks ago, a friend from school told me that his mom is on the team at BeautyKind, a new online retailer with awesome beauty products where 5% of every purchase is donated to the charity of your choice. Basically, when you shop beauty products through the BeautyKind website, proceeds are given to charities you are passionate about, a win-win situation! I was so into the concept that I became an Ambassador for them and am so excited to share it with everyone. I'm currently shopping for the cause Soles4Souls, a non-profit that collects shoes for children in poverty. You can read all about the causes here (if you don't see one you're particularly interested in supporting, you can shoot BeautyKind an email and they can add them to the list!).

Below are a few of my favorite products:
(see if you sense a particular theme...)

I totally recommend joining - when you use the code "Citrusandstyle" at checkout you get $40 off your first purchase! I just bought a few goodies last night as Christmas presents (and citrusy bubble bath for myself, oops :) - they're continuing to add more and more brands (Bloomingdales was just added!) and I can't wait to eventually buy all of my beauty products on their website. 

Have you heard of BeautyKind before?


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