Monday, August 31, 2015

Senior Year

I cannot even believe the day is finally here... Senior year starts today! As much as I'm dreading going back to school, it's my last, first day of school and even saying that feels so weird. I'm stuck between wishing I could skip this year and go straight to college, but at the same time having what everyone calls the best and most exciting year of high school. Even though I definitely would go right to college this minute (living in a dorm sounds like the best thing, ever), I'm really excited for everything this year has in store. Being the captain of my tennis team, senior privileges, fun adventures with friends, finding out where I'm going to college, being able to wear patterned button downs to school, senior photos (which I took yesterday - pray they turn out!)... I have a feeling this year will be one for the books. 

I'm thinking about sharing the bucket list my friends and I made with you guys. We would love your help with what to add! 


  1. I was in the same boat as you last year. I could not wait for college, I wasn't sentimental about senior year until about the last two weeks, I cried at least 1-2 times a week about it all ending! Good luck today!!


  2. Enjoy your senior year Caroline! I did a whole post on my senior year bucket list last year and it kept me motivated to do fun things during the year!
    xo, Scarlett

  3. Good Luck with senior year!


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