TGIF! It was so exciting to start my last season of high school tennis (this time as a captain!) this week and I can't wait to bond with all of my teammates at our annual tennis barbecue tonight. Tomorrow is my last day at my job for the summer which makes me so, so sad but I'm eager to start working again when I graduate in the middle of May (an entire month earlier than last year... woohoo!) I hope you all have a great weekend.
What I would give to be back in the Hamptons right now... It's crazy to think that school is starting in just two short weeks (and that this is my last first day of school)!
Lately I've gotten into a really bad habit of staying up until 1 or 2 am watching Netflix and Youtube videos and while it's one of the best parts of summer, it's hard to transition back into going to bed at a decent hour. Not to mention, on days when I have something earlier in the morning, I can barely get out of bed. I'm thinking about doing a post or two on sleep - would you be interested?
I was sporting one of my white school button downs this week and it made me realize how much I miss wearing this simple, structured top everyday. During the year, I can barely look at an oxford shirt because it reminds me of my uniform. Buuut, I forgot how nice they look with a crisp pair of chino shorts and a pair of fun sandals! I'm so happy because as a senior, I can wear colored button downs and then second semester we can also wear patterned ones. I may or may not have to stock up on a few more pretty color shirts :)
I'm so excited to go to our family's lake house this Sunday for one of our last trips of the year. I've gone every summer my entire life and while this year was different, I'm so grateful to be able to spend time with family and friends to forget about the stresses of busy schedules and the future ahead.
What are you up to this weekend?
I graduated high school this year and it's seriously so sad! Letting go of childhood has definitely been tough. Enjoy senior year, it's amazing and flies by!! I made a GoPro video of my senior year, check it out if you'd like!!
xoxo, Mal