Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday Workout

I came across this workout on Pinterest (follow me here!) a while ago and thought it was too perfect not to share with you for Wellness Wednesday. Sometimes it's necessary to have a long strength and core workout after a period of time during which you ate a lot of junk food, and this one would be ideal for that situation. While not terribly difficult, you will really feel the exercises like planks and calf raises the next day even if they don't seem super hard while you're doing them. I'm definitely going to be doing this within the next few days (or at least some of the exercises!) - let me know if you do too!

Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Let me know what other health related posts you want to see!
P.P.S. As you may have noticed, my blog URL is now! There will be some fun changes on c&s within the next few weeks (including a site redesign :) and I can't wait to reveal it all!


  1. Thank you for sharing! I work out with a trainer, but I'm going to be on vacation so I'll be on my own. Definitely might try this!!

    Kendal | Life With Kendal

  2. Love this workout! And congrats on becoming a .com :) I'm looking forward to seeing the c&s changes in the next few weeks!! XO, Nicole

  3. I might have to add this workout in my weekly workout routine! I'm excited to see the new blog design and congrats for the new URL!
    XO Alyson |

  4. I really like this workout! I've been needing a bit of inspiration to get back on track with working out and this seems so manageable! So excited to see what's to come for c&s and I love the new URL! Xo!

    Katelyn //

  5. Love this workout! Congrats on your new URL!


  6. I would love to know who you're using for your site redesign (as I'm planning on redesigning too!) And I love these health-related posts...maybe do a what you eat in a day post?

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


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