Monday, June 1, 2015

My Favorite Desk Snack

Whenever I'm sitting at my desk either studying or blogging for long amounts of time, I like to have some sort of snack and beverage next to me. For the drink, lemon water is my absolute favorite (especially in my 35 ounce navy and white striped tumbler!). As for the snack, SkinnyPop popcorn is one of my favorite go-to's because I can eat a ton without feeling super guilty - there are only 150 calories for almost 4 cups! The salty, crunchy taste is so delicious and resembles movie theatre popcorn without the overpowering buttery flavor. My family loves SkinnyPop so much that we have been known to buy a few jumbo bags at Costco, because a normal sized bag just isn't large enough. And the same goes for my tennis team - we devour at least one jumbo bag every meet. 

My favorite kind is the original, but I recently tried the white cheddar and have fallen in love with it as well. A healthy yet yummy crunchy snack that is peanut, gluten and dairy free is a win-win in my book. 

Now I'm curious to know: are you on #TeamSkinnyPop as well?
Special thanks to SkinnyPop Popcorn for sponsoring this post. 


  1. yes, I am the captain of #teamskinnypop

  2. Oh why yes, I do find myself to enjoy a nice cup or two of skinny pop while reading the latest edition of People or InTouch! Magazine. I would consider myself to be on #TeamSkinnyPop, as I never get tired of the amazingness of one piece of delish popcorn, that happens to be skinny!

  3. I'm going to have to look for this stuff! Popcorn is one of my favorite snacks, and I've been trying to eat a lot healthy recently!

    Kendal | Life With Kendal

  4. I actually have yet to try the stuff because I know I will love it and it will be dangerous hahaha. Though with only 150 calories for that much, maybe it wouldn't be all that dangerous after all ;)

    xo Mary-Katherine
    gold-hatted lover

  5. I've never tried skinny pop, but it sounds delicious. Your workspace is so cute!

    Alex | Mrs. Mason Dixon

  6. Omg, since I'm trying to do better with my eating I may have to use this as an afternoon snack :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


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