Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Fours

This week was definitely one of the toughest weeks I've had in a long time. The stress of the quickly approaching ACT, AP exams, balancing extra-curricular activities with homework and prom got to me. I try to always maintain a positive attitude and look on the bright side of things, but to be honest, this week was pretty hard to do so. It was one of those weeks that I got little sleep a) because of everything I had to complete and b) because I was worrying about everything working out right. I'm so type A that sometimes the amount of planning I like to do ends up hurting me more than helping me in the short term. It's times like these, though, that make me love blogging even more because I get to do what I love to distract myself from all the stress!

I'm so missing the sun right now. The fresh air, easy-going days and constant inspiration was so refreshing, yet I totally took it for granted while I was there. Back to reality I go! 

How beyond perfect are these Gray Malin x Sperry shoes? Gray Malin is one of my favorite Instagram accounts so when I heard about the collaboration, I was too excited. I had to run into a giant mall while in California (to Kate Spade so they could remove a lemonade stain from my crossbody... are you even surprised?) and ended up finding a Sperry store on the way. Long story short, I got to see a pair in real life and let me tell you, they are gorgeous!

Speaking of Gray Malin... I like to think this picture I took at the Santa Monica Pier looks like his work... Probably not but hey, a girl can dream!

Lastly, another congrats to my girl Sammy on her decision to attend USC! Being able to see the acceptance happen in real life was most likely the best thing ever. I'm so proud of all her hard work and couldn't be happier for her! Check out the USC acceptance video here!

Here's to a long weekend of studying and preparation for the upcoming weeks... And watching the Wisconsin vs. Kentucky game Saturday night of course (go Badgers!).

How was your week?


  1. I love the picture that you took at Santa Monica, it's frame worthy! I would love to have a piece like that to include on my collage wall :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  2. The Gray Malin shoes are soo cute and perfect for the upcoming summer months!

    - Kirstin

  3. I love those shoes! I might have to pick them up for myself, haha!

  4. First off, the badges won! Yayyyyyy! But you already knew that, my week was okay. We just started the fourth quarter and this is my freshman year so it's not really stressful at all. Although I'm helping out with the school musical and doing track so I get only about 6 hours of sleep each night. So yeah, the extra curriculars are killing me, not the school!

    Running Alyssa


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