Thursday, November 21, 2013

Earring Shopping

one // two // 

After 15 (and a half) years, I have finally decided to get my ears pierced. I know what you're thinking... Was she too scared to get her ears pierced?! While being scared wasn't why I never got around to it (although to be honest, a piercing gun going through your ear is not exactly reassuring), I just never had a strong desire to. My ears are on the smaller side so I have always thought earrings would be an overly bold statement, even if they were just simple pearls. But after some major convincing by a true earring lover, I have decided to take the plunge! And guess what? Now I can't wait to go earring shopping!

I'm expecting to come back Monday with a super traumatizing story of how the gun missed my ear and went into my cheek or some other crazy mishap, so please, tell me about your piercing stories in the comments below!


  1. Ahh this is so exciting!! I can't wait to see what your first pair of earrings will be ;)
    My parents told me that I couldn't get my ears pierced until I was 13, but my tenth birthday happened to fall on the first night of Hanukah and was also Christmas day so my parents surprised me with my first pair of gorgeous earrings. Since my grandfather is an ENT doctor he pierced my ears for me so I didn't have to use a gun (just a needle and numbing cream). It didn't hurt a bit but my ears were definitely sore the next day!
    Good luck!!!

  2. Getting your ears pierced really isn't that bad! I had mine done when I was a baby, but when I was 13 I went to the piercer with my mom and got double piercings! They didn't hurt that bad, and it was over quick! I promise, as long as you're going to a trusted place, they'll do a good job.
    Just make sure you clean them often! You don't have to get an infection.
    Good luck!


  3. Hopefully this story doesn't scare you but the first time I tried to get my ears pierced one started bleeding so I had to wait for it to heal. Even after my ear was bleeding, I felt NO pain at all. I have a very low tolerance for pain too, so I dread getting shots at the doctor. But getting your ears pierced feels similar to getting pinched AND it is over in no time. You will be fine.
    Good luck!!!

  4. Good luck, I promise it doesn't hurt. I have super sensitive ears so I can only wear certain types of earrings but there are so many cute ones out there.

  5. I had my ears pierced at my pediatrician's office . . . when I was a freshman in college. I had had my ears pierced before when I was in junior high (at Claire's ugh) but I let them close up. My skin is super sensitive so I stopped wearing earrings too soon because all the cool looking but cheap earrings I bought at Claire's made my ears hurt so I just stopped wearing earrings. I'd recommend getting a pair of nice pearl earrings with gold posts to wear just incase it turns out you're sensitive to other metals.

    I don't remember the piercing being particularly painful but I had allergy shots when I was a little kid so I am so used to getting stuck with needles.


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